I Love Christmas Movies™

With signature events like ICE!, classic holiday activities such as photos with Santa, and thrilling experiences like ice bumper cars, there is something for everyone, and you can do it all duringSO. MUCH. CHRISTMAS. at Gaylord Opryland Resort. Explore our 2022season lineup below.

Walk through five iconic films

I Love Christmas Movies™ is the immersive pop-up experience featuring scenes from five beloved Christmas movies, including Elf™, A Christmas Story™, and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation™.

13 immersive scenes

See recreations of the sets, props, and moments you love. Say hello to Mr. Narwhal, step onto the Polar Express, or visit the Griswold's home for Christmas dinner, only at Gaylord National.

All-New Gaylord Hotels Original Experience
Explore Sets from Beloved Movies
Scenes are complete with replicas of film props, audio clips, scents, and more.